10 Fuß weißes Orchideen-Arrangement

10 foot White Orchid Arrangement
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement

10 Fuß weißes Orchideen-Arrangement

Excellent 4.5

Our White Orchids bring elegance to any occasion, fully customizable to complement your unique style and theme.

Elegance Redefined with Custom White Orchids: Infuse sophistication into your events with our bespoke White Orchid arrangements, symbolizing purity and grace.
  • Fully Customizable: Tailor dimensions, colors, and arrangements to meet your exact needs and preferences. We can create flowers in any height or diameter, using advanced 3D custom-designed molds that heat-form multiple thicknesses of foam, achieving the precise look you envision.

  • Dream Bigger with Custom Designs: Don’t see the flower you want or have a specific idea in mind? No problem! Our technology allows us to create the flower of your dreams, no matter the specifications. Simply fill out the form below with your details, and let us turn your floral dreams into reality.

  • Interested in a Custom Quote? Fill out the form below with your name, contact number, and preferred callback time. Our team will contact you to discuss your specific requirements and provide a personalized quote.

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  • Product Details

    Ein weiteres erstaunliches Riesenarrangement, das von unserem Gut-gegen-Böse-Anbau inspiriert wurde. Wir haben die Struktur unserer ursprünglichen Feuerorchidee genau nachgebildet, aber die Stängel und Blütenblätter auf einer reinweißen Basis mit Blütenknospen in einem mysteriösen, individuellen Rosaton und mit ähnlich und leicht akzentuierten farbigen Blütenblättern geschaffen . Verblüffen Sie Ihre Gäste mit diesem erstaunlichen, 12 Fuß hohen Exemplar mit seinen magischen, hoch aufragenden vier Blüten und den beiden hoch aufragenden Knospen.

    • Höhe 10,5 Fuß
    • Blütenblattmaterial – 3 mm EVA-Schaum
    • Blattmaterial – drahtverstärkter 3-mm-Schaum
    • Schaftmaterial: Heißgeformtes PVC
    • Sockel – Beton mit äußerer weißer Vinylabdeckung und mit Beton ummantelten Anschlüssen.
10 foot White Orchid Arrangement

10 Fuß weißes Orchideen-Arrangement



Serene Beauty, Custom Crafted: Enhance any occasion with the tranquil charm of White Orchids, perfect for creating a refined and peaceful ambiance.

Experience the serene beauty of White Orchids, perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any event. These flowers are meticulously crafted to reflect your personal style, enhancing the ambiance with their timeless grace.

Create visually stunning events with our custom giant flowers, perfectly matching your theme or branding for a memorable and photogenic setting.

Enjoy peace of mind with our weather-resistant giant flowers that stand vibrant and robust, reducing maintenance concerns and keeping your events looking pristine.

Incorporating White Orchids elevates any event’s elegance, solidifying your reputation as a refined planner among community leaders and superiors.